Emotional healing


.....Matthew 23:26-27
 ```26 You blind Pharisee! First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too.```
 ```27 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity.```

When I was praying on monday morning the lord showed me this revelation and early this morning also I got another revelation on it, please note that every revelation from God has a specific purpose it is going to fulfil and I pray this word mix with reality in you.

There is a place in Christianity that most pastor has neglected or maybe I can say that most pastor has limited revelation on it and Devil is using it as a tool to deceive and hereby destroy us.

 ```Let's start with the Understanding of the existence physiology of man```

A man exist in two nature, we have the;

 1. Inside
 2. Outside

The inside is our mind, our life engine and God is more focus on that so also is devil. Should I tell you this;

  • Answer to prayer starts from the inside
  • Also victory start from the inside.

Medically, it has been said that a man that is sick from the mind can never be cured by any drugs no matter how potent the drug is. Healing start from the inside.
The outside is the physical reality to the inside. Most believers takes most attention knowingly and unknowingly to the outside and that's why devil plays a winning card on most Christian's life.

 ```There is an energy from the inside```

Life connects from inside to the outside and development orders from the outside to the inside. When the inside of a man is immature and weak, it becomes a victim to the influence of anything and living on anything cannot take you anywhere with God.

 ```I don't know if someone is Understanding me?```

Clean the inside and automatically the outside becomes clean. When a house is beautifully decorated  in the outside but the inside is filled with rottenness I bet you, the beauty of the house will be abused instead of being appreciated but when a house is beautiful in the inside there is motivation to make the outside good even if it is not good to the taste at the moment.

God bless a man to the content of his inside and not the attractiveness of his physique

 ```Now let's go to the emotion```

Physically a man can either be beautiful, handsome, ugly, attractive, well postured and well built but internally our output is measured by our emotions, - that unseen feelings.
Emotions comes out as fear, happiness, joy, sadness, hatred, coveteousness, wickedness, guile, greediness.
That's why it was said that at the presence of God there is fullness of Joy i.e. there is emotional healing.

You connect to the supernatural with your emotions and you get out of it with it also. Your emotions should dictate what happens physically I.e your internal should be filter of anything that comes from the external. Peter on the sea connect to Jesus naturally by the internal believe, it was internal believe because if Peter judge by what happens in the physical at that moment he would see nothing but a ghost in Jesus Christ and hence have a feeling of fear instead of faith. That's, his emotion was balanced with that of Jesus which was faith due to the unique Understanding he had about Jesus. faith is an outcome of an internal energy hence faith is an emotion. He walked on the sea owing to the equilibrium in emotions with Jesus but when the storm came, there was a great disconnection. I mean the external defined Peter internal. Devil did not have access to Peters mind but he got to his mind, by what sir or ma, by the situation happening around. Devil could not influence Job mind but could frustrate him with situations happening around. So many Christians has been won by this devil last card, by the game of the mind, the twisting of emotions.
Every Christian's will be played this game every time with different situation. Reasons you will see that great pastor that started so humble and because of power becomes unimaginably proud. The choir master who was of good morals becomes someone sleeping with the lady chorister. Devil played the card with Jesus after the 40 days and night fasting and what hold Jesus was the strength He derived from the spoken and written word. Devil will test you based on your decision, your power, confession and your weakness however, the question is; *can you overcome?*
Also there are people who are possessed of the Devil, I mean people without Christ in them, these category of people devil owns their mind, no need again for game because they are already the game console and software of the devil.
Peter did not overcome and hence his emotions rewinded from faith to fear. With fear there was a disconnection between Jesus and Peter, although Jesus was right in front of Peter yet Devil was sinking him and about to kill him, thank God for grace. How many grace will you continue to enjoy just like the new convert you were last five years ago, a toddler in faith. As earthly parent desires growth in their child so also God needs us to grow. If you can't sustain an emotion with God, He will be right in front of you and you will sink.

 ```Now the question is how many Christians has been sinking due to the disparity in emotions and yet blame God?```

Majority of People Jesus Christ healed where people who have already defined their healing right in their mind. The reason why the woman with the issue of blood was not perplexed or worried with the crowd but rather connect in faith even to the insignificant but significant hem of Jesus garment. Reason why the four were not worried with the crowd blocking Jesus and have to pass through the roof to get to Jesus.

 What you feels internally drives you and your emotions makes you?

An angry man can never see anything good from who he is angry at. His mind will continue to filter wickedness to every actions of his opponent.

When the mind is destroyed, the emotions affect the physical and deposit the spirit to weakness.

What most christians need at this particular point of their life is to experience emotional healing in accordance to our Bible verse which  instructed us to clean the inside so also the outside becomes clean. Therefore, when your emotions is healthy, you are healthy physically.

...... To be continue
