The savior in the boat


Bible verses: Acts 27

```Matt.5.16 - In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.```

I understand that a big fraction of us have read the story of Jonah when he took a boat to flee Nineveh. Jonah took a wrong path although he was a man of God, his presence in the boat became a curse that must be blotted out. I have heard some mysterious story about how a cursed person board bus with people and bring misfortune to everyone in the bus.
I remembered a day in secondary school, there was this unlikeable teacher who came to our class for an unsolicited inspection and when he came to the class someone called him a demeaning name, the man heard and that was it. The man ordered the person who insulted him to be fished out but the people around the axis where the word came out refused to bring the person out and what came afterward was series of flogging of all the students that sat around that side, thank God I wasn't among them but it was really a bad day. Anyway, after long fruitless flogging the man had to leave. Whether the man leave or not, someone was a curse to them in that axis of the class that day.
```Sorry to start at the negative side, hope you have read our today Bible text and the accompanying Bible verse.```
If you understand the story in Act 27, you will figure out that Paul became the savior to more than 200 lives on that boat. For the reason that Paul was in the boat God decided to ultimately protect everyone in the boat as we can see below
```Acts.27.24 - and he said, 'Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.'```

But the question that should run through our mind is why should God consider a Prisoner Paul to save lives of other sinners
Only Paul in the boat is a righteous man, all the rest were unbelievers while big numbers of them were prisoner, that means condemned sinner but God choose to save them why because Paul was with them.
This was what got missed in Sodom and Gomorrah that got them destroyed. This was what people of Noah time didn't understand and led to their perishing.

Another question is: why Paul
In contrast to Jonah who was walking off the path of God's will and became a curse, Paul was actually doing God's will and hence Enjoy God's special attention.
I once read the testimony of Pastor E.A Adeboye he said he was on a plane and suddenly something sinister was about to happen, the plane develop fault and there was an unexplainable vibration, then at that moment panic sparked out. People start acting weird and start confessing their unconfessed sin, each calling their own gods. In the midst of this tense situation, Pastor Adeboye sat calm and was communicating with the Holy Spirit.

The discussion( off course am not there so expect little extra detail)

Will this be the end of my life? Holy Spirit I still have lots of souls to win by the purpose you gave me and Holy spirit responded ```"this is not your time" you are still a tool in my hand and you have just started, nothing is going to happen to you or anyone in the plane, stay calm I am with you and after some minutes everything returned back to normalcy``` . The same situation that should have cause the death of hundred of people.

Are you a valuable tool in God's hands?
In the porter house there are vessels for Honor and vessel for menial use however, the question is what value have you?
The scripture said that let your light so shine forth so everyone around you will see and they may glorify God through you.

What light are you to shine
1. Light of righteousness
2. Light of God's purpose

Every Christian is expected to shine forth the light of righteousness i.e let your life to bring people into the recognition of God's love and righteousness.
Also God have implanted peculiar purpose in us in which we will be savior to lives in different career and vocation but it is so unfortunate that most people are living worthless life to God because they aren't living to God purpose for them. If Jonah could live out of his purpose and was regarded to him as sin that almost led him loosing his life we need to take deeper and closer attention to recognising and living our purpose so at the last day we won't be saint with meagre value in heaven.

So what of if I fail?
The same question goes to; what of if Paul was not a valuable tool in God's hand so hundreds of soul and more will perish.
If Abraham failed to be a man of faith,  his family won't be recognize for generations till now and tomorrow as a blessed family.
if Noah has failed to be a righteous man or build the boat, his family will add to numbers of people taken away by the flood.
What of if David failed to maintain good relationship with God, his family will have lost the whole power over Israel.
.......... And we have lot of story to add.

You might be the savior that your family need to be free from poverty. You might be like the Esther or Deborah that a whole nation need to be saved. You might be the Joshua to complete a long chain of great mission or you might be the Moses to start it.

You are the vessel God have created to achieve a purpose

```When you fail people die, when you slow down hope become lost, when you move off course life loose bearing. Lots are hanging on you and the earlier you realize that, the happier you make God to be.```

Maybe why the world is so disoriented like this is because of the huge stockpile of people that failed purpose. Maybe why Africa continues to be backward is because of large number of people that are insensitive to their purpose in life.
Life is chained up to the base that everyone is important. A driver might be so illiterate and worthless to you until the day you board on the bus and the driver maneuver what supposed to be an accident to safety, assuming the driver failed you will be faced with either brutality or fatality.
You are the savior in boat of those children when you teach them great things with passion and you help them to be better.
You are the savior in the boat of those sick patient when you are so meticulous in your work and you strive to make people healthy. You are a savior to the appearance of souls if you sew good clothes that devoid immorality and in fact we are all savior in boat of different lives and families.
Take your position today, be holy and righteous and besought holy Spirit to guide you
