I believe in miracle


When you ask people the question of; Have you ever experienced miracle before? Many people will say no. Many people think miracle as a very strange occurrence like having a blind to see, the lame to walk, the dead to be alive and whole lots of those rare occurrence. Miracles have become rare because people take their gaze too high above the visible range and hence were not able to experience miracles.

What is miracle?

Miracle is not only doing the impossible but it is transmitting the heavenly instruction into an earthly reality. Miracle is possible to everyone who can hear the word of God and make a reality out of it by Faith. The first barrier to break before you can experience miracle is to break the barrier of fear.

Barrier of fear

Jesus placed his feet on the sea and started walking on it. Have you ever think of the risk Jesus took to make that happen. If Jesus was a man of fear, the first question he would have asked himself is; what if I obeyed the voice speaking to me to put my leg into the sea and I do it and I ended sinking. You could say no, it is Jesus the son of God, that cannot happen. Remember it happened when Jesus who walked on sea beckoned Peter to walk on the sea. Peter truly walked but fear short-lived the miracle and Jesus couldn't do anything to help Peter from sinking, only to held his hand to help him back to the boat. Hebrew 12:2 says look up to Christ the author and finisher of your faith. Therefore, when faith is out, Jesus becomes incapable to help you. Reason why miracle is far from most believers is because fear is so close to them.

How miracles happen?

John.11.40 - Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

I remember a day where two men approached me. One was on a wheel chair while the second was his brother. The brother said, sir I want you to make my brother walk. It was just a cool evening, I was wearing short and enjoying fresh air. I looked so ordinary like a person that want to rest and not someone ready for the great wonder of performing a miracle. But I had faith just like the young men had faith so I started praying even though the guys were Muslims, with faith they joined me to mumble some words. Then I keep hearing some words of fear from the devil, words like, can this happen? Remember you have been praying for minutes now, nothing is happening. I stood my ground in faith and I keep praying till I heard instructions from heaven. A voice says I should place the young man on the floor and keep hitting his leg. It sounds funny to let the lame man down the wheel chair and place him on the floor. Devil asked a question; what is the difference between him being on the wheel chair and on the floor? You are just being dramatic, nothing is going to happen. Yet, I trusted in that word because I know that the voice of God behind it, will make a difference. So I keep obeying the voice as it comes and to the glory of God, the lame walk. 

The key to unlock miracle is believe and standing on the strength of faith. The scripture says that ask whatever you will, it will be granted - John 15:7 so far you abide in Jesus. The Jesus that the scripture was talking about is that of John 1:1-3, THE WORD. The scripture says that it was in him (the word) that everything was made. If everything was made in Jesus (the word) so everything can be received through his word.

According to the textual scripture, Martha believed in the word of Jesus and obey the instruction then the unimaginable happened. The greatest miracle was born on the seed of just believing. 

Have you asked yourself the question of; what of if Martha didn't take away the stone. Certainly, the great miracle won't have occur even as Jesus was all charged with anointing, He would have been incapacitated. Imagine many miracles waiting behind the wall of impossibility because of your unbelief.

Before the miracle comes the word

The reason people don't experience miracle can be attached to the inability to detects God's voice. Many think miracle happens just by praying and waiting for something to happen. Like praying for the lame and strangely seeing the lame walk. Between the prayer and the manifestation of wonders, there is always an instruction. There are times Jesus commands healing, there are times he use spit to heal, there are times he touched people, there are times he instruct people to do some things like  bathing etc. One obvious thing is that Jesus engaged in different process to make same outcome based on the different instruction given.

Jesus was flexible with divine instruction in order to make miracle. Similarly, every believer of miracles should not act based on their thought but based on the instruction. As a believer prays, so also a believer must await an instruction. You are not the doer of the miracle, you are just an interface. Since, you are not the doer, you must wait for the word of the doer through prayer and patience. When the instruction comes, the miracle comes. The step to wrought miracle is tune your spiritual perception to the heaven. When the word comes, then you need the believe on the word. After the belief, you need faith to make a physical posture to the unseen reality.

Greatest miracle, yet free for all to receive and give

Have you ever ask yourself what the greatest miracle could be?

Here is the answer; The miracle of eternity. John 3:16 placed the greatest miracle down below our nose when it said that; for God so loved the world that He gave us his only begotten son that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life, but we couldn't realise or value it as such. Science have made the lame to walk through prosthetic leg, made the blind to see again through surgery and have done a lot of wonders but they have yet to create life, not only life but everlasting life. Surprising, that is the miracle that Jesus death has made general to every human being if they could only believe, JUST BELIEVE. Jesus cannot be more magnanimous in his love.

In the book of Exodus 7 and 8, we could see that the Pharaoh's magician could do some miracle with the help of their secret art but their competition ended in Exodus 8:17-19 because the particular miracle involves creating life. Devil can fake and do many miracles except the miracle of LIFE GIVING although he can take life.


Jesus gave every mankind the power to receive the miracle of life just only if you can believe and have faith in Jesus. While not ending there, He gave mankind the grace to give the miracle to others. What more can you ask for? Do you believe in miracles?
