The philosophy of growth 1
Success is a reality that can only be attained by growth. A man that will succeed will keep moving, in spite of the restraint and constraints along his path. With the understanding that the path to success is growth, you will need to know the mindset that permit and communicate growth in order to succeed.
Philosophy of growth
The first enabler to the great and small thing any human being can achieve is the mind. It can be said that; what cannot be conceived cannot be received. Even our God have business with the heart of men, the seat of the mind and not the appearance 1 Samuel 16:9, Jeremiah 17:10.
The heart is the initiator of every actions, it can be said that actions are the outcome of the state of mind. Since our God always know things ahead of man, He works with the mind where actions firstly become a reality before it becomes physical reality.
A man that want to succeed must have a mind that understand and facilitate growth. The philosophy of growth deals with the way a man can see, think and imagine success. To learn this philosophy, let makes God our primary reference, our creator. Since man is made in his image, so also must he carry His mindset to become who He want him to be. The word of God said in Philippians 2:5 that the same mind must be in you, the same found in Christ.
Plan your success on the little effort you can provide and guarantee
Gen.1.27 - So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.
Gen.1.28 - God blessed them and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals."
Sometimes, big vision is the first obstacle to achieving great success.
Vision start the process of success, visions always come big and come with great excitement. People are sometimes carried away by the enormosity of visions and hence want to start on the scale of the vision or idea. It might be a vision to own a big snacks company, you see yourself mass producing and what comes to your head is getting millions to site an industry.
Inasmuch as starting big is possible yet it is very risky. Also, such a mindset can get people of low capital and limited resources stalked. Success must start on an assurance no matter how small it is. The assurance can be the things you can provide, make and produce. From what you have is where you get what you don't have. God created Adam and Eve, just a pair of two entities and He invested the system of multiplication in them. You need to understand that your resources is not what will give you great success but the system you make.
As believer you don't live by what you see but by what you believe. Infact starting small is living by Faith and the scripture says that without Faith, no one can please God. The pattern that God have set in place for growth is to start small.
Let's see through a scripture below
John.6.5 - When Jesus looked out and saw that a large crowd had arrived, he said to Philip, "Where can we buy bread to feed these people?"
John.6.6 - He said this to stretch Philip's faith. He already knew what he was going to do.
John.6.7 - Philip answered, "Two hundred silver pieces wouldn't be enough to buy bread for each person to get a piece."
After Philip saw the crowd coming,
he estimated their needs and discovered that there will be need for huge resources to make their provision. The crowd Philip saw can be likened to the big vision and idea you saw or conceived. Philip saw well and was very sensible with his thought but one thing got missing, Philip did not align his view with the reality on ground. There is no way to get the food to feed the thousands in the wilderness and at that late time. Philip forget a rule that, no one can build something on a platform of nothing. However, great thing can be derived from small thing under the power of growth.
Our God does not work on nothing, He works on assured something, no matter how small it is. That's why the scripture says in Matthew 17:20 that if you have a faith as small as mustard seed, you can say to mountain to move and it shall move. You might not have effort to move a mountain but at least you will have the effort to provide a mustard seed. It might be surprising how small a mustard seed might be but that is all you need to get that big thing done.
At verse 6 of that scripture, it says that Jesus knew what to do, He was just testing the faith of Philip. You can see that the whole of test of starting small is not to assure your intelligence and business capability but to test your faith on the process, God already knew how He will make you great. However, the question is; can your faith carry it.
God knew He wanted to create a world filled with trillions of people with uncountable vegetation and organisms. Creating them all at once, could be possible but it will be too overwhelming to control and errors is possible. Even just Adam and Eve, looked at what became their outcome. Imagine God dealing with trillions suddenly at once.
You need to start on your small capability and not on the enormosity of your vision.
Value the little available
Prov.4.18 - But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.
That scripture can be well understood with the physical view of how the day gets lighted up. It starts with small light in the dark sky around 4am to 5am. Progressively the light becomes brighter as the time elongate till it gets to 12pm when the light is so shine that it can't be gazed with physical eye. The gap between 4am to 12pm is 8 hours. Relatively let's compare the big chunk of 8 hours to the fraction of a day which is 24 hours. You will see the duration it takes for light to take its full intensity at the lifetime of a day.
You need to shift this reality to reality and life itself. If the day have not value the little unseen light at the midnight, it won't permit the too bright to be seen light that comes in the midday. The reason people get frustrated in their effort is because their expectations is not measuring to their outcome, so they give up thinking maybe the whole struggle wasn't God's will for them after all.
John.6.8 - One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him,
John.6.9 - There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?
John.6.10 - And Jesus said, Make the men sit down. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about five thousand.
John.6.11 - And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.
Then Andrew was coming with a good suggestion but he had no faith in it because he had measure the expectation with the resources he saw and had. Little faith does not only manifest when we have no resources but it can also manifest when we have resources but can't see the value to it. Comparing Philip case with Andrew case; Philip saw no resources to provide the need while Andrew saw too little resources to meet the need.
Another way to say this is that Philip saw no weapon to fulfil his goal while Andrew saw he had weapon but doesn't believe on the capability of the weapon. What the both lack was faith but one was more intelligent and observant than the other. This shows that in the process of achieving great success, intellect has its limitation when it isn't accompanied with faith.
Jesus did not rebuked and discard Andrew response, this shows that Andrew response was a needed one however, it took Jesus to make good use of Andrew ideas because Jesus valued the little thing available. Many ideas that should have enriched some men have been sold out to their employers or investors because they couldn't believe in the little outcome they will have.
Many ideas and vision have gone to the forgotten archives because of the few weeks and months low outcome results. God can give a clear instruction to start something but carrying out the instruction is not an automatic ticket to instant great result. The divine instruction is still subjected to the law of time. It is very important to understand this fact bacause people have doubted divine vision based on such wrong thought.
Valuing the little things given to you, is the key to achieve the great things living in you. At the cave of Adullam, It was worthless men that God send to David but yet David made a strong army with them to achieve his kingship aim. Jephtah only had worthless men around him but he valued them and process them to its desire. You cannot process what has already been processed. Only crude things need to be processed, if you value it, you will get your value. See what the scripture says below
Luke.16.10 - He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
By the scripture, it can be deducted that any man who feels too big to value small thing will feel too proud when in possession of big thing. Humility in ministry and business manifest in valuing little things available with us with so much sincerity. Jesus valued the five loaves of bread and two fishes, then He lift it to heaven with heart of gratitude and God multiplied it for him. Any man that cannot value little things can never be grateful and an ungrateful man can not experience the greatness of God. Infact a man that cannot value little things can not work hard as it takes hard work and faith to grow little things to big things.
The philosophy of growth start with accepting the little things around us as the tool to begin the journey to great success and valuing the little result that comes after you execute your ideas is the key needed to ascend higher in success.
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