God seek a man that starts small
Zech.4.10 - Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand. For these seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world."
Do you have the mindset that when God blesses and anoints a man everything automatically start working fast and big for the person?
```If you have such mindset, welcome to the circle. You are just like me and many other Believers in the world.```
But sorry, you might be getting things wrong with that mindset, so also many Believers out there who have discarded little and well planned process for a miracle of starting big or magical speed. Little wonder, the unbelievers rule the world of success but Believers rule the word of spectatorship and waiting for the right time.
Exotic faith message have killed Believers mind to think and make plans. Belief in miracles have turn highly potential Believers to a lazy empty can, hitting head against the wall and having portfolio of prayers and tongues instead of achievement.
Will it be a shocker to hear that God which you think will help you start big also looks for men who start little, men who can get their hands dirty, men who can face frustration, men who risk failures but never surrendered. ```Can you see the misalignment already?```
For these seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world."
The lord already assigned seven lamps to seek men who start great things within their small capacity, just as the same lamp discover Zerubbabel. He was found doing the work of God at his little best, and help was put in place for him.
Before you ask God for help, help yourself to start something
God is willing to bless your idea and vision to make it great, but he awaits the day you will start it, start small and start anyhow. Everything you need to succeed is already in you.
Don't just think... start now!
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